Monday 15 September 2014

Getting To Know Me

Hi everyone and happy Monday! I’m popping in with a different kind of post today. I’m honoured to be nominated by a fabulous artist and one of my favourite crafty friends, Jennifer Rzasa to participate in some fun “Getting To Know Me” Blog Hop. Thanks Jen for thinking of me! I love everything you create (and you can't imagine how thrilled I was when you asked me to join the RIC DT! You won't get rid of me so easily now! Lol!). You can see her blog hop post HERE.

So, as part of this hop, I'm going to answer several questions about myself:

1. What creative projects are you currently working on? 

I have some cards for my DTs to work on. My Studio Calico kit is on it's way so I can't wait to dig in to it and play (hopefully this week!). And here’s a little sneak peek of my card for tomorrow's Runway Inspired Challenge:

thanks friend

I have also already been brainstorming about Christmas decors and gift ideas (but do not think I'm that organised! I always have plenty ideas and NEVER enough time to actually execute them! *sigh*)

2.What inspires your designs? 

I love Pinterest. Where better place to find an inspiration is than Pinterest? When my mojo goes AWOL and I feel stuck, I browse through my inspiration folder to see if something sparks an idea. This place always gives me a jump start:

3. What method / process (if applicable) do you apply to each of your creative projects, and how long does each project take to complete?

I don't think I have any method. And there are not many cards that I created in less than one hour. I usually just go with the flow until I’m happy with the outcome and I am always trying to stick to ‘less is more’ rule. Theoretically this should speed up the process but sometimes it is quite the opposite!

4. If you had to describe your 'signature' style, what would it be? 

I think I would describe it as eclectic! *wink* I love clean and simple with touch of ink/paint splatters and messy thread tangles:


5. What three crafting tools/products can you not live without?

I tend to be pretty minimalistic when it comes to tools. One of my favourite products is my embossing label maker!

Now it’s my turn to nominate some friends to play along! For me, that's the hardest part of this hop as there are so many awesome and talented cardmakers I just love!

Both ladies are super inspirational, I adore their work and I’m proud to be a part of the Studio Calico Design Team with them:

Dana Fleckenstein – I am in love with every card she creates. Dana, if you ever need someone to send a card to, just let me know! lol!

Julie Campbell – I love her clever use of supplies and attention to details! Her cards always inspire me to take a different approach to the stamps!

Be sure to check out their posts next Monday (September 22nd)!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. Yay! Fun to read more about you Aga! And I love that you describe your style as is, and it's gorgeous! :)

  2. Aga, I'd be happy to send you a card across the channel! So fun to read about your crafting process. It sounds similar to mine though the outcome is so different - "less is more" is a rule I can hardly ever stick to ;)


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